
The Past Passed Here: Education Days
We are proud to have over 600 fourth grade students, from Chippewa area parochial and public schools and other area schools, visit us each year. They are studying local history in school and will participate in a full day of hands-on activities during school hours Wednesday through Friday. Some of the activities the children will experience are:

Tipi Living
Among the many camps, there will be a tipi. Students will be invited inside to see how a tipi works to keep the family comfortable during all kinds of weather.

French Lessons
Learn to speak French.
Bonjour! ​Parlez-vous francais?

Lumbering Display
​A must see stop is the Lumbering display, which shows items used by former residents of Chippewa Falls to bring the logs to the old lumber mill that was called the "Largest Sawmill Under One Roof in the World".

Cooking Demonstrations
​Demonstrations will show how pies were baked over a camp fire and how butter was churned by hand.

​Music was an important part of a rendezvous and we are lucky to have many talented musicians at our gathering.

Spinning Wool
​Another camp will demonstrate how wool is spun into yarn and then woven into cloth for clothing.

Old Fashioned Weapons
​At another camp, students will learn about old fashioned weapons including knifes, long bow and arrows, hawks and atlatl.

Traders' Row
​There will be a Traders' Row where period items can be purchased. It is a great place to buy Mom that special gift for Mothers' Day.

Make A Souvenir
​Each student has the opportunity to make a souvenir medallion that is theirs to keep.

Camp Competitions
​Students compete for the best performance in their class. They compete in archery, cat & mouse, canoe paddle race, tomahawk throw, and log sawing.